Introducing Your Cat To a New Dog

Courtesy of Marjorie Jordan

Dogs and cats have long been portrayed as enemies. The truth is that while dogs and cats don’t always get along, many of us have dogs and cats that live together peacefully. If introduced correctly, your cat can appreciate your dog’s company or at least learn not to hate her! To get your pets off on the right foot, follow these simple steps.

Has your cat lived with dogs previously? Is he confident around other animals? If so, you are likely to have an easy transition. One quick swat to your dog’s muzzle and your cat will have laid down the law even if your cat is declawed. If your cat becomes piloerect (puffs up), hisses, or runs from other animals you will have a more difficult time introducing him to a new dog. For cats that are fearful, a safe place and good control of the dog will be the keys to keeping a peaceful household. Consider as well your dog’s personality. Is it playful, but not aggressive? Dogs with this temperament will be easily take corrections from a cat and be well controlled. The dog who is lunging, growling and difficult to control may never be safe with your cat. If this is the case, consult your veterinarian.

Courtesy of Ilana Reisner DVM, PhD, DACVB (


Courtesy of Ilana Reisner DVM, PhD, DACVB (

​If your cat is the confident type and your dog is the easy-going type, it is best to let your cat handle things. Even then, the meeting is not a free-for-all. Put your cat on a higher surface than the dog and put your dog on the leash for the meeting. Have the treats ready for reward or distraction. Reward him for calm behavior. If he can’t stay calm, back up away from your cat. Even a confident cat can get scared of an unruly dog. When your dog and cat finally meet, let your cat correct your dog and reward your dog for backing off. For the next month or so, don’t leave them together without your supervision. Dogs can hurt cats or scare them in a second.


Until you can feel very confident that your cat will be safe when with your dog, they should be separated when you cannot directly supervise them. The safest way to do this, is to keep your dog in a crate. Even a dog who simply wants to play can seriously or fatally injure a cat. Dogs can jump over or bust through baby gates leaving cats in a dangerous situation. Cats are more difficult to confine generally and will jump over baby gates to get to dogs even when the dog is threatening them. You may have to put your dog on a leash when they are together to keep your cat from running and hiding. Some dogs will never be safe with cats. If your dog is lunging, growling or pulling very hard toward your cat, consult your veterinarian and keep your cat separated from your dog until you have a plan. Your veterinarian may refer you to a board certified veterinary behaviorist ( 


Can you find the cat? Chewie is comfortable and safe in his hut atop the cat tree.

Can you find the cat? Chewie is comfortable and safe in his hut atop the cat tree.Give your cat a safe place where he can escape the new dog. This could be a room with a baby gate at the doorway (make sure that your dog can’t get over or under), a cat tree with a protected space at the top or a room with a cat door installed. A couple of safe places enable your cat to get away from your dog without running very far. Once cats run, dogs chase. Then, it’s game on! It is very important to prevent this at all costs.

In order to help your cat feel safe, your dog has to be under good control. She will need basic tools such as leave it, sit, and stay. If you are unsure of how your dog will behave with cat, keep the dog on a leash at all times when the cat is loose in the house and you are home. Separate them when you cannot monitor them. This will also help your cat to gain confidence. When your dog sees the cat, ask him to sit or send him to his bed and reward him for calm behavior.

If the only thing your dog has to do is chase your cat, chasing your cat is going to be his favorite pastime. Keep your dog very well exercised and busy by using food toys, and rotating his toys so that he is constantly occupied. You can even reserve these fun activities for times when your cat is loose in the house.

What Are Industry Leaders Saying About Dr. Radosta?

Every once in a while, a veterinary unicorn comes along: competent, confident, compassionate, and a great communicator. Brimming with science and soul. Dr. Lisa Radosta is a true "Jill of all trades," fighting important battles and inspiring future leaders. She has played a big role in making animal behavior important, elevating females in our profession, and showing action steps to make a balance between work and home doable. Equally comfortable in the exam room or coming into people's living room via network TV, Dr. Lisa Radosta fights tirelessly to help pets and people live happier, healthier, fuller lives. I often watch her at the podium, in a board meeting, or in an interview and just think..."you go, girl!

Dr. Marty Becker

Dr. Radosta is exceedingly passionate about each individual animal and understands by helping a pet she is also helping families; her passion is only exceeded by her knowledge to make a difference. Dr. Radosta is also a master communicator, whether it is explaining behavior modification to families desperate for exactly what Dr. Radosta and her team provide to communicating to professional colleagues at veterinary meetings.

Steve Dale, CABC

Every single day Dr. Radosta is making the world a better place for dogs and cats suffering from fear, stress, and anxiety. She's highly regarded by veterinarians and board-certified behaviorists alike and I am honored to have worked alongside her to educate pet parents about the importance of caring for our pet's mental health -- she's my "go-to" for video or blog interviews on behavior topics. I've also been a client of Dr. Radosta's behavior practice and I credit her with opening my eyes back in 2006 to how FAS affects our pets' quality of life. 

Kristen Levine